Difference between each and every

 Difference between Each_VS_Every

#1. Each:

 Like Every, it  also can  be a determiner, pronoun and an adverb.

There are some conditions in which only each is used:

1. For only two things/items/persons.

Can you write with EACH hand? (Not Every hand)

2. Immediately before OF + noun/pronoun..

EACH of them is correct. (Not Every)

3. Immediately after PRONOUN to emphasize...

They EACH have a beautiful face. (Not Every)

4. At the END of the sentence:

Not normally but while referring amounts and quantities, it can appear at the end of the sentence.

They cost 10 £ EACH. (Not Every)

#2. Every:

 Many things have been explained already in previous posts. So, here you can find  only those conditions in which Every is used.

1. After Almost, practically, nearly or without exception...

Almost EVERY student has passed the quiz.

Practically EVERY house has wifi connection installed.

2. Before ONE+ OF +DETERMINER/noun ..

EVERY one of the teacher tried his best.

#Both can be used with different meanings :

EACH girl he proposed was beautiful. (It refers individually, Separately)

EVERY girl he proposed was beautiful. (It refers all)

Everyone/ Each one takes turns cooking dinner in the evenings.

(Each one refers two or more people who share the work whereas Everyone refers all the members of the family/group.


Only singular countable noun follows both (Each or every) unless OF + (determiner) +noun(plural) is used.

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