CATENATIVE VERBS 1: A catenative verb (aka a chain verb) is a verb that can link with other verbs to form a chain of verbs.When a catenative verb links with other verbs,the a catenative verb acts as a head/main verb and the other verbs have to change its form into non-finite froms, such as to-inf,bare-inf, or gerund. For examples: 🔹The birds BIGIN TO SING. (The catenative BEGIN is a head/main verb and the linked verb SING has to change its form into to-inf form TO SING) 🔹They LIKE READING books. (The catenative LIKE is a head/main verb and the linked verb READ has to change its form into gerund form READING.) 🔹The books HELP SHED light on the problems. (The catenative HELP is a head/main verb and the linked verb SHED has to change its form into a non-finite SHED.) The non-finite verb, which is linked with the main/head catenative verb,can take function as either an obj or com...