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Difference between Among and Between

  Between, among: meaning and use We use between to refer to two things which are clearly separated.  We use among to talk about things which are not clearly separated because they are part of a group or crowd or mass of objects:   Example   Our holiday house is between the mountains and the sea.  (the mountains are on one side and the sea is on the other) Example   The ancient fountain was hidden among the trees.  (surrounded by trees) Between and prepositional phrases Between is most often used to introduce a prepositional phrase which contains two singular or plural noun phrases: Example   There was a cyclist [prepositional phrase]between the car and the lorry. Example   I didn’t see any difference [prepositional phrase]between the real bags and the imitation bags.   We can also use between + pronoun when referring to two people or things: Example   I gave Yolanda and Lynn some money and told them to share it between them. We can also use between, but not among, to connect times or